I was a teenager when I realized I was different from other people. I knew things that had happened, were happening, and/or would happen in other people's lives and the world around me. Things I shouldn't have been able to know. And sometimes, that included information about (and messages from) those who had passed on. I hid these abilities for years from a world that often misunderstands them and (at best) thinks those that confess to them are mentally ill - and (at worst) believes they are evil. Being neither of these things, I realized early on that I could share this part of my life with only a select few. But in my early twenties, a seemingly chance encounter with Reverend Guerra, a Pastor of a local Metaphysical church (and someone who local police occasionally called upon to help with missing persons cases) changed the course of my life. She immediately saw who I was and what I could do. She, of course, was just like me. And she insisted I was not meant to hide my abilities but should use them to help others. In fact, she knew that I had been feeling that internal push - a call, if you will, from the Divine, to do just that.
But I've always been someone who couldn't fit into a specific box. I am a creative but also have a good head for business. I enjoy data and analysis and teaching but am also a deeply spiritual dreamer who likes to ponder the abstract. So, I had other interests and opportunities that drew me and, frankly, paid consistently and allowed me to support myself and my family without all of the stigma. And those jobs in the corporate world (even the most grueling ones where I had to work 60+ hours a week to complete all that was assigned to me) still took less out of me than the intuitive work. Yes, intuitive work from a legitimately skilled practitioner can be quite taxing energetically, emotionally, and physically - which is why most experienced intuitives are careful not to book too many sessions at any given time. Protecting boundaries and engaging in good self-care is mandatory. But more on that at another time. Here's what you should know - the common thread among all the various ways I show up in the world is this: everything I do has a helping, guiding, teaching element to it. I am happiest when I am helping others. Period.
Still, I did my best to honor that internal call to purpose and Reverend Guerra became my first spiritual mentor. Over the next several years, I learned to develop my intuition more acutely and provided sessions for fund-raising for the church. Long after the Reverend passed (over the next 15 years in fact), I continued to provide services quietly, by word-of-mouth, often for very little or for free, offering what I could to help others while also continuing to pursue my education (both secular and spiritual) while I progressed in my corporate career.
10 years ago, I received a nudge that was impossible to ignore (yup - I still tried) to make myself more accessible to others for this work. And so, I came out of hiding - sort of. But that's a deeper story that would take too long to explain here (stay tuned for a book which will include all of my personal journey - the good, the bad, the weird, and the beautiful parts).
In addition to my intuitive and coaching work, I love to write! I'm a multi-award-winning author of Paranormal Romance (both traditionally and independently published) through Dorchester Publishing (sadly, now defunct), Amazon Montlake, Running Press, and my own imprint, Messages from Your Muse.
I'm the CEO of Messages from Your Muse, LLC, creator of the one-of-a-kind Tea with a Medium® events, The Call of the Raven® Intuitive Development Course and creator of 2 card decks designed to increase your intuition and connection with the Divine.
People often ask me, what's with the ravens/crows? I've had a long-time fascination with the corvid family of birds (especially ravens). They've followed me around since I was a kid. Seriously, their appearance in my life happens too often for coincidence. They regularly (the actual birds) show up in real life - and representationally - on billboards, bumper stickers, people's names, etc. (often at important turning points in my life). You name it, I've seen it. Eventually, I realized a pattern to these experiences and understood they were reminding me of who I am and of my purpose. Besides, there is so much about this beautiful, intelligent creature that inspires me. From a mythological and spiritual perspective, Raven represents transformation, casting shadows into light, rebirth and renewal, keen observation, and far-seeing sight. Some cultures consider raven a messenger of the mysteries, walker between the worlds, and bringer of magic. My life's calling is to help others transform, grow, and see their inner magic by learning to tap into their own intuitive sight. Raven is the perfect companion for that journey.
Having been raised in an extremely strict religion, I understand better than most people just how fear can impact us when it comes to this kind of work. I'm a truly empathetic and nurturing guide to those looking for intuitive guidance, to connect with their loved ones on the other side, or students wishing to deepen their own intuition.
I grew up in Wisconsin, the 4th of 9 children. My favorite thing in the world (besides being a mom) is helping others in all the many and varied ways I'm given the opportunity to do so.
I believe strongly in making your training and education a priority, and I never stop developing myself. I'm a perpetual student. Below is some (but not all) of the training I have achieved. That training has served me well as over the past 25+ years, I have served thousands through both individual and group readings, events, and classes.
Certified Intuitive Coach® - Colette Baron-Reid's Master Intuitive Coach Institute
Oracle Guide: Studied at Colette Baron-Reid’s Oracle School, completed Personal Mastery and Shared Wisdom and received the honor of Certified Oracle Guide*
In 2018, I studied with Lisa Williams, and was tested and certified by Lisa as an evidential medium
Studied with John Holland (Mediumship and Platform Mediumship), Mavis Pitilla (Advanced Platform Mediumship), and Tony Stockwell (1-year long Evidential Mediumship Mentorship, 1-Year long Trance Mediumship Mentorship, and Platform Mediumship).
Studied platform mediumship at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, England (several tutors).
20+ years of training and practice in earth-centered spirituality
265+ hours of coach specific training with the Institute for Life Coach Training
3-time Guest Medium at Colette Baron-Reid's Oracle Palooza
Certified Life Coach (CLC) and Wellness Coaching Specialist (WCS) Institute for Life Coach Training
Board Certified Coach (BCC) Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE)
ACC Certified Coach with International Coach Federation (ICF)
Professional Certified Coach since 2012
Master of Arts (MA) in Communication, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. Bachelors Degrees in Communication Studies and English, University of South Florida, Tampa
Reiki Master certified by author/expert Diane Stein (I have been practicing since 1999 and teaching Reiki since 2003.)
Certified in Essential Energy Balancing by author/expert Diane Stein (since 2004).
Certified Master Feng Shui Consultant/Teacher by author/expert Jami Lin (since 2002).
30-year student of Metaphysical Principles.
*Colette Baron-Reid’s Oracle School and Colette Baron Reid do not specifically endorse any Certified Oracle Guide. Any reference made by a Certified Oracle Guide to a specific product, process, or service does not constitute or imply any endorsement whatsoever by the Oracle School or Colette Baron- Reid. The views and opinions expressed by any Certified Oracle Guides do not necessarily state or reflect those of the Oracle School or Colette Baron- Reid. Colette Baron-Reid’s Oracle School and Colette Baron-Reid is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any content or information provided by a Certified Oracle Guide. Therefore use of any information provided by a Certified Oracle Guide is thereof is solely at the user's own risk. All Colette Baron Reid’s card decks are Copyright © by Hay House, Inc. Reproduction and use of any of the individual cards and associated text from any of the decks is strictly prohibited without written permission from Hay House, Inc.